Game Jams
Level Design
Genre : Game Jam - Platformer
You play a spirit inside a golem making you invincible. You have to walk out from the golem as a spirit to unlock your path to the next level by resolving puzzles.
While being a spirit both the spirit and golem are in danger.
But don't let your golem alone for too long, you're weaker when you are alone.
Goal :
I wanted to go back to Unity (it has been a while).
I wanted to do Level Design, being a fan of Platformer (Metroidvania and Hollow Knight even more).
Constraints :
Theme : Stronger Together
1 week
Learning occured :
It was my first encounter with Bolt integrated in Unity, and I decided to learn that by doing some Camera work.
Mistakes were made :
Not really a mistake, but many things collided with my schedule, rendering me less efficient for my team.
I did not check with the team if they ever did sprite sheet (wich I knew how to do and could've given insight), and we lost some time in animation with the sprite (of all objects) they provided.
Challenge :
Again : was not there half of the time
Using Bolt for the first time in a timely schedule was a Bold move (bolt.. bold, see what I did there ? =) )
Why did it work well :
Teamates were great and relentlessly working on the project.
Even if I didnt had time to do most of the LD, I still got to do one level, so I had a good time getting my hand in Level Design.